Artwork consisted of Photography Exhibition – Installation by Rene Revah and Soundscape Composition by Dimitris Bakas 15.07 – 30.08 2019
12th Annual Moisa Meeting at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, ‘Transforming historical music data into possible realitites’ Paper/Talk for the Installation at Dion Museum and the Instrument ‘Hydravlis’ In collaboration with Archeologist Eleni Gerofoka, 8th – 10th July 2018
7+1 Choro-Synthesis-Group Excibition Booze Cooperativa, Athens Installation ‘Co-Functionality#2′, 23 February 2019
Commissinon for the Archaiological Museum of Thessaloniki Sound Installation ‘Copying’, 15 November 2018
Presentation of Paper ‘Sound and Memories’ Kalamata, Greece, 27-30 September 2018
Performance Video Art ‘Contra’ originally composed for Contratenor, Electronics and Video, 1- 8 September 2018
Installation at the 5th School, Katerini ‘Sound class’, 17 July 2018
Paper/Talk ‘Ontology of Morphology Of Music, 16 July 2018
SMC 2018, 15th Sound and Music Computing Conference, Cyprus 4-7 July 2018
AAWM-FMA Conference 2018 Thessaloniki, Performance of my Trilogy for Live Voice, Electronics and Field Recordings ‘Miroloi Trilogy’, 28 June 2018